Private Docker Registry

The docker-registry charm facilitates the storage and distribution of Docker images. Include this in a Kubernetes deployment to provide images to cluster components without requiring access to public registries. See for details.


The registry is deployed as a stand-alone application. Many deployment scenarios are described in the charm readme. The most common scenario for Kubernetes integration is to configure a registry with TLS and basic (htpasswd) authentication enabled.

If needed, consult the quickstart guide to install the Charmed Distribution of Kubernetes®. Then deploy and configure docker-registry as follows:

juju deploy ~containers/docker-registry
juju add-relation docker-registry easyrsa:client
juju add-relation docker-registry kubernetes-worker:docker-registry
juju config docker-registry \
  auth-basic-user='admin' \

Custom Certificates

Relating docker-registry to easyrsa above will generate new TLS data to support secure communication with the registry. Alternatively, custom TLS data may be provided as base64-encoded config options to the charm:

juju config docker-registry \
  tls-ca-blob=$(base64 /path/to/ca) \
  tls-cert-blob=$(base64 /path/to/cert) \
  tls-key-blob=$(base64 /path/to/key)

Proxied Registry

Advanced networking or highly available deployment scenarios may require multiple docker-registry units to be deployed behind a proxy. In this case, the network information of the proxy will be shared with kubernetes-worker units when the registry is related.

Note: SSL pass-thru is not supported between docker-registry and haproxy. Any registry SSL configuration must be removed before creating the proxy relation. If SSL is desired in a proxied environment, the administrator must ensure certificates used by the proxy are configured on kubernetes-worker units.

The environment described in the Deploy section above can be adjusted to create a highly available registry as follows:

juju deploy haproxy
juju add-unit docker-registry
juju remove-relation docker-registry easyrsa:client
juju add-relation docker-registry haproxy:reverseproxy

Note: With multiple registry units deployed, the proxy relation allows for a highly available deployment. Load balancing across multiple registry units is not supported.


Make note of the registry address. By default, this address is only accessible within the deployment model. See the charm readme for host and proxy configuration options if desired.

export IP=`juju run --unit docker-registry/0 'network-get website --ingress-address'`
export PORT=`juju config docker-registry registry-port`

Verify basic authentication is working:

juju run --unit docker-registry/0 "docker login -u admin -p password $REGISTRY"
Login Succeeded

Docker on Kubernetes workers

Docker on the Kubernetes workers needs to talk to the registry securely. By relating docker-registry and kubernetes-worker, appropriate certificates are added to /etc/docker/certs.d on all workers.

Verify basic authentication is working from a Kubernetes worker:

juju run --unit kubernetes-worker/0 "docker login -u admin -p password $REGISTRY"
Login Succeeded

Kubernetes images

Make a note of the Docker images that the registry will need to provide. Minimally, Kubernetes 1.1x requires the following:


Charmed Kubernetes supports optional add-ons that include the Kubernetes dashboard, Heapster, kube-dns, etc. Enabling these add-ons will require the following additional images:

  • cdkbot/addon-resizer-amd64:1.8.1

For Calico/Canal support, the following images are used:


And finally, Sonatype Nexus and Rancher use the following images:

  • sonatype/nexus3:latest
  • rancher/rancher:latest

Hosting images

To make an image available in the deployed registry, it must be tagged and pushed. As an example, push the defaultbackend-amd64 image to docker-registry:

juju run-action docker-registry/0 \
  push \ \
  tag=$REGISTRY/defaultbackend-amd64:1.5 \
    outcome: success
    raw: pushed
  status: completed

The above procedure should be repeated for any additional required images.

Using hosted images

Kubernetes workers must be configured to use the hosted images as follows:

juju config kubernetes-worker \
juju config kubernetes-worker \

Unlike individual configurable images on kubernetes-worker units, images used by Charmed Kubernetes add-ons are controlled by a kubernetes-master config option. Push the desired add-on images listed above (kubernetes-dashboard, heapster, etc) and configure kubernetes-master to use the registry for installation:

juju config kubernetes-master addons-registry=$REGISTRY