
This document covers how to troubleshoot the deployment of a Kubernetes cluster, it will not cover debugging of workloads inside Kubernetes.

Understanding Cluster Status

Using juju status can give you some insight as to what’s happening in a cluster:

Model                         Controller          Cloud/Region   Version  SLA          Timestamp
conjure-canonical-kubern-ade  conjure-up-aws-91c  aws/eu-west-1  2.4.5    unsupported  08:38:09+01:00

App                    Version  Status  Scale  Charm                  Store       Rev  OS      Notes
aws-integrator         1.15.71  active      1  aws-integrator         jujucharms    5  ubuntu  
easyrsa                3.0.1    active      1  easyrsa                jujucharms  117  ubuntu  
etcd                   3.2.10   active      3  etcd                   jujucharms  209  ubuntu  
flannel                0.10.0   active      5  flannel                jujucharms  146  ubuntu  
kubeapi-load-balancer  1.14.0   active      1  kubeapi-load-balancer  jujucharms  162  ubuntu  exposed
kubernetes-master      1.12.1   active      2  kubernetes-master      jujucharms  219  ubuntu  
kubernetes-worker      1.12.1   active      3  kubernetes-worker      jujucharms  239  ubuntu  exposed

Unit                      Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports           Message
aws-integrator/0*         active    idle   0                  ready
easyrsa/0*                active    idle   1                    Certificate Authority connected.
etcd/0*                   active    idle   2    2379/tcp        Healthy with 3 known peers
etcd/1                    active    idle   3   2379/tcp        Healthy with 3 known peers
etcd/2                    active    idle   4   2379/tcp        Healthy with 3 known peers
kubeapi-load-balancer/0*  active    idle   5   443/tcp         Loadbalancer ready.
kubernetes-master/0*      active    idle   6   6443/tcp        Kubernetes master running.
  flannel/0*              active    idle                     Flannel subnet
kubernetes-master/1       active    idle   7    6443/tcp        Kubernetes master running.
  flannel/3               active    idle                      Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/0*      active    idle   8  80/tcp,443/tcp  Kubernetes worker running.
  flannel/1               active    idle                    Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/1       active    idle   9  80/tcp,443/tcp  Kubernetes worker running.
  flannel/4               active    idle                    Flannel subnet
kubernetes-worker/2       active    idle   10  80/tcp,443/tcp  Kubernetes worker running.
  flannel/2               active    idle                    Flannel subnet

Entity  Meter status  Message
model   amber         user verification pending  

Machine  State    DNS             Inst id              Series  AZ          Message
0        started  i-0f47fcfb452fa8fab  bionic  eu-west-1a  running
1        started    i-011007983db6d2736  bionic  eu-west-1b  running
2        started    i-0b411be2a3909ae32  bionic  eu-west-1a  running
3        started   i-0fccba854c6d59ffe  bionic  eu-west-1b  running
4        started   i-02148162336e08864  bionic  eu-west-1c  running
5        started   i-08833b743ebcd0d9c  bionic  eu-west-1c  running
6        started   i-0f18d3f7377ba406f  bionic  eu-west-1a  running
7        started    i-08ec1daf25fb18fa3  bionic  eu-west-1b  running
8        started  i-0934f74bfdfba2a3f  bionic  eu-west-1b  running
9        started  i-0a4129c834c713a5e  bionic  eu-west-1a  running
10       started  i-053492139b1080ce0  bionic  eu-west-1c  running

In this example we can glean some information. The Workload column will show the status of a given service. The Message section will show you the health of a given service in the cluster. During deployment and maintenance these workload statuses will update to reflect what a given node is doing. For example the workload may say maintenance while message will describe this maintenance as Installing docker.

During normal operation the Workload should read active, the Agent column (which reflects what the Juju agent is doing) should read idle, and the messages will either say Ready or another descriptive term. juju status --color will also return all green results when a cluster’s deployment is healthy.

Status can become unwieldy for large clusters, it is then recommended to check status on individual services, for example to check the status on the workers only:

juju status kubernetes-worker

or just on the etcd cluster:

juju status etcd

Errors will have an obvious message, and will return a red result when used with juju status --color. Nodes that come up in this manner should be investigated.

SSHing to units

You can ssh to individual units easily with the following convention, juju ssh <servicename>/<unit#>:

juju ssh kubernetes-worker/3

Will automatically ssh you to the 3rd worker unit.

juju ssh easyrsa/0

This will automatically ssh you to the easyrsa unit.

Collecting debug information

Sometimes it is useful to collect all the information from a cluster to share with a developer to identify problems. This is best accomplished with CDK Field Agent.

Download and execute the script from CDK Field Agent on a box that has a Juju client configured with the current controller and model pointing at the Charmed Kubernetes deployment of interest.

Running the script will generate a tarball of system information and includes basic information such as systemctl status, Juju logs, charm unit data, etc. Additional application-specific information may be included as well.

Common Problems

Load Balancer interfering with Helm

This section assumes you have a working deployment of Kubernetes via Juju using a Load Balancer for the API, and that you are using Helm to deploy charts.

To deploy Helm you will have run:

helm init
$HELM_HOME has been configured at /home/ubuntu/.helm
Tiller (the helm server side component) has been installed into your Kubernetes Cluster.
Happy Helming!

Then when using helm you may see one of the following errors:

  • Helm doesn’t get the version from the Tiller server
helm version
Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.1.3", GitCommit:"5cbc48fb305ca4bf68c26eb8d2a7eb363227e973", GitTreeState:"clean"}
Error: cannot connect to Tiller
  • Helm cannot install your chart
helm install <chart> --debug
Error: forwarding ports: error upgrading connection: Upgrade request required

This is caused by the API load balancer not forwarding ports in the context of the helm client-server relationship. To deploy using helm, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Expose the Kubernetes Master service

    juju expose kubernetes-master
  2. Identify the public IP address of one of your masters

     juju status kubernetes-master
    Model                         Controller          Cloud/Region   Version  SLA          Timestamp
    conjure-canonical-kubern-ade  conjure-up-aws-91c  aws/eu-west-1  2.4.5    unsupported  08:39:23+01:00
    App                Version  Status  Scale  Charm              Store       Rev  OS      Notes
    flannel            0.10.0   active      2  flannel            jujucharms  146  ubuntu  
    kubernetes-master  1.12.1   active      2  kubernetes-master  jujucharms  219  ubuntu  
    Unit                  Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports     Message
    kubernetes-master/0*  active    idle   6   6443/tcp  Kubernetes master running.
      flannel/0*          active    idle               Flannel subnet
    kubernetes-master/1   active    idle   7    6443/tcp  Kubernetes master running.
      flannel/3           active    idle                Flannel subnet
    Entity  Meter status  Message
    model   amber         user verification pending  
    Machine  State    DNS            Inst id              Series  AZ          Message
    6        started  i-0f18d3f7377ba406f  bionic  eu-west-1a  running
    7        started   i-08ec1daf25fb18fa3  bionic  eu-west-1b  running

    In this context the public IP address is

    If you want to access this data programmatically you can use the JSON output:

    juju show-status kubernetes-master --format json | jq --raw-output '.applications."kubernetes-master".units | keys[]'
  3. Update the kubeconfig file

    Identify the kubeconfig file or section used for this cluster, and edit the server configuration.

    By default, it will look like Replace it with the Kubernetes Master endpoint and save.

    Note that the default port used by Charmed Kubernetes for the Kubernetes Master API is 6443 while the port exposed by the load balancer is 443.

  4. Start helm again!

    helm install <chart> --debug
    Created tunnel using local port: '36749'
    SERVER: "localhost:36749"
    CHART PATH: /home/ubuntu/.helm/<chart>
    NAME:   <chart>

Logging and monitoring

By default there is no log aggregation of the Kubernetes nodes, each node logs locally. Please read over the logging page for more information.

Troubleshooting Keystone/LDAP issues

The following section offers some notes to help determine issues with using Keystone for authentication/authorisation.

Testing the steps is important to determine the cause of the problem.

Can you communicate with Keystone and get an authorization token?

First is to verify that Keystone communication works from both your client and the kubernetes-worker machines. The easiest thing to do here is to copy the script to the machines of interest from kubernetes-master with juju scp kubernetes-master/ ., edit the script to include your credentials, source and then run get_keystone_token. This will produce a token from the Keystone server. If that isn’t working, check firewall settings on your Keystone server. Note that the script could be overwritten, so it is a best practice to make a copy somewhere and use that.

Are the pods for Keystone authentication up and running properly?

The Keystone pods live in the kube-system namespace and read a configmap from Kubernetes for the policy. Check to make sure they are running:

kubectl -n kube-system get po
NAME                                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
k8s-keystone-auth-5c6b7f9b7c-mvvkx                1/1     Running   0          21m
k8s-keystone-auth-5c6b7f9b7c-q2jfq                1/1     Running   0          21m

Check the logs of the pods for errors:

kubectl -n kube-system logs k8s-keystone-auth-5c6b7f9b7c-mvvkx
W1121 05:02:02.878988       1 config.go:73] Argument --sync-config-file or --sync-configmap-name missing. Data synchronization between Keystone and Kubernetes is disabled.
I1121 05:02:02.879139       1 keystone.go:527] Creating kubernetes API client.
W1121 05:02:02.879151       1 client_config.go:548] Neither --kubeconfig nor --master was specified.  Using the inClusterConfig.  This might not work.
I1121 05:02:02.893499       1 keystone.go:544] Kubernetes API client created, server version v1.12
I1121 05:02:02.998944       1 keystone.go:93] ConfigMaps synced and ready
I1121 05:02:02.999045       1 keystone.go:101] Starting webhook server...
I1121 05:02:02.999262       1 keystone.go:155] ConfigMap created or updated, will update the authorization policy.
I1121 05:02:02.999459       1 keystone.go:171] Authorization policy updated.

Is the configmap with the policy correct?

Check the configmap contents. The pod logs above would complain if the YAML isn’t valid, but make sure it matches what you expect.

kubectl -n kube-system get configmap k8s-auth-policy -o=yaml
apiVersion: v1
  policies: |
        "resource": {
          "verbs": ["get", "list", "watch"],
          "resources": ["pods"],
          "version": "*",
          "namespace": "default"
        "match": [
            "type": "user",
            "values": ["admin"]
kind: ConfigMap
  annotations: |
      {"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"policies":"[\n  {\n    \"resource\": {\n      \"verbs\": [\"get\", \"list\", \"watch\"],\n      \"resources\": [\"pods\"],\n      \"version\": \"*\",\n      \"namespace\": \"default\"\n    },\n    \"match\": [\n      {\n        \"type\": \"user\",\n        \"values\": [\"admin\"]\n      },\n    ]\n  }\n]\n"},"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"annotations":{},"labels":{"k8s-app":"k8s-keystone-auth"},"name":"k8s-auth-policy","namespace":"kube-system"}}
  creationTimestamp: 2018-11-21T02:38:12Z
    k8s-app: k8s-keystone-auth
  name: k8s-auth-policy
  namespace: kube-system
  resourceVersion: "16736"
  selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/k8s-auth-policy
  uid: 7dc0842b-ed36-11e8-82e1-06d4a9ac9e06

Check the service and endpoints

Verify the service exists and has endpoints

kubectl get svc -n kube-system
NAME                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
heapster                    ClusterIP    <none>        80/TCP              136m
**k8s-keystone-auth-service   ClusterIP   <none>        8443/TCP            105m**
kube-dns                    ClusterIP   <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP       137m
kubernetes-dashboard        ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP             136m
metrics-server              ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP             136m
monitoring-grafana          ClusterIP     <none>        80/TCP              136m
monitoring-influxdb         ClusterIP   <none>        8083/TCP,8086/TCP   136m
$ kubectl -n kube-system get ep
NAME                        ENDPOINTS                       AGE
heapster                            136m
**k8s-keystone-auth-service,   105m**
kube-controller-manager     <none>                          136m
kube-dns          ,       136m
kube-scheduler              <none>                          136m
kubernetes-dashboard                  136m
metrics-server                       136m
monitoring-grafana                  136m
monitoring-influxdb,   136m

Attempt to authenticate directly to the service

Use a token to auth with the Keystone service directly:

cat <<EOF | curl -ks -XPOST -d @- | python -mjson.tool
  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "TokenReview",
  "metadata": {
    "creationTimestamp": null
  "spec": {
    "token": "$(get_keystone_token)"

    "apiVersion": "",
    "kind": "TokenReview",
    "metadata": {
        "creationTimestamp": null
    "spec": {
        "token": "gAAAAABb9Yeel_62KoSb_fAL6RPMpGZ4-4y5RLqXq5YdY3PcIKpuIcZ8PoVPhQtHOR7fiPYpFQX_pAUZJ4yngSE_WbJeuX8c-pl5WgStNImmkH3sEvQ5nSfimGhQSH-k5ydCBhcor87AeN7dOS-X6zHMRrcyvnZffQ"
    "status": {
        "authenticated": true,
        "user": {
            "extra": {
                "": [
                "": [
                "": [],
                "": [
                "": [
            "groups": [
            "uid": "432f311e7eb94689b10aee03293ab030",
            "username": "admin"

Note that you need to change the IP address above to the address of your k8s-keystone-auth-service. This will talk to the webhook and verify that the token is valid and return information about the user.

API server

Finally, communication between the API server and the Keystone service is verified. The easiest thing to do here is to look at the log for the API server for interesting information such as timeouts or errors with the webhook.

juju run --unit kubernetes-master/0 -- journalctl -u snap.kube-apiserver.daemon.service